Innovations for Inclusion: A Glimpse into Sarthak Global Resource Center's Ability Museum



Step into a world where innovation meets inclusion – welcome to the Ability Museum at Sarthak Global Resource Center (SGRC). In this blog, we invite you to explore this unique museum, where assistive devices and groundbreaking technologies converge to support the diverse daily needs of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) across all age groups.

Discovering Assistive Technologies:

More than just a collection, the Ability Museum is a celebration of ingenuity and a testament to the incredible ways technology can enhance lives. As you enter, you'll encounter a curated showcase of assistive devices, each designed to empower individuals with varying abilities. 

Showcasing Assistive Devices Across Ages:

The heart of the museum lies in its display of assistive devices tailored for different age brackets. From devices crafted to meet the unique needs of children to those supporting the independence of seniors, the museum offers a hands-on experience, allowing visitors to explore the practical applications of these technologies.

Wings of Inclusivity: Distinct Sections of SGRC

The SGRC aims to promote inclusivity through distinct wings, each dedicated to a specific purpose:

  •            Vision in the Dark: An immersive experience shedding light on the challenges faced by the visually impaired.
  •      Ability Museum: An innovative showcase of assistive devices addressing diverse needs of PwDs across different life stages.
  •         Center of Excellence for Employment: Focused on creating job opportunities and promoting inclusive workplaces.
  •       Center of Excellence for Skilling and Education: Providing skill development and educational programs tailored for PwDs.
  •        Center of Excellence for Skilling and Rehabilitation: Offering rehabilitation services to enhance independence.
  •           Global Accessibility Development Center: A hub for research and development, shaping the future of global accessibility standards.

Stories of Empowerment:

Woven into the museum's fabric are stories of empowerment – narratives of individuals who have transcended challenges, redefining what is possible with the aid of assistive technologies. These stories inspire visitors to recognize abilities beyond physical constraints.

A Guide of Awareness:

The Ability Museum serves as more than a display; it is a dynamic platform for raising awareness. Through guided tours, workshops, and outreach programs, SGRC aims to educate and foster a sense of inclusion. The museum becomes a catalyst for understanding, breaking down barriers that often hinder inclusivity.

Visit and Experience:

We extend an invitation to visit the Ability Museum at Sarthak Global Resource Center. Immerse yourself in a world where assistive technologies are not just tools but instruments of empowerment. Whether you're a student, a professional, or an advocate for change, the museum promises a transformative experience that challenges perspectives and promotes a culture of inclusion.


The Ability Museum at Sarthak Global Resource Center is a testament to the belief that innovations can pave the way for inclusive societies. It is a place where technology meets compassion, and diversity is celebrated. Join us on this journey of empowerment and inspiration as we continue to shape a world that recognizes and values the abilities of every individual, regardless of age or ability.

Vision In The Dark: Unveiling the World Without Sight at Sarthak Global Resource Center (Gurugram)

Dear SGRC Community,

In the heart of empowerment lies "Vision In The Dark" at Sarthak Global Resource Center. This special initiative, driven by Sarthak's commitment to inclusivity, offers a unique experience for those navigating life without sight.

Guided Tours and Activities: A Unique Exploration Experience

Embark on a guided exploration at Vision In The Dark, where each tour promises a captivating experience lasting for 30 minutes. Led by visually impaired individuals, these tours provide a distinctive perspective, offering participants a glimpse into their world. With a limited group of six people per round, the tours are designed for an intimate and immersive encounter. It's important to note that these experiences are not suitable for individuals who are medically unfit or pregnant due to the nature of the activities involved. However, rest assured, an emergency exit is readily available to ensure the well-being of everyone involved. Get ready for a unique and eye-opening journey, where every moment is crafted to foster understanding and inclusivity.

Experiences Await: A Journey into the Unseen World at Vision In The Dark

  •     Tactile Encounters: Feel the world in a unique way as you touch and explore replicas of iconic monuments like Qutub Minar and Taj Mahal, fostering a deeper connection through touch.
  •        Immersive Activities: Engage in immersive activities carefully designed to transcend visual boundaries, challenging preconceptions and nurturing a heightened sense of empathy.
  •        Guided Exploration: Led by visually impaired individuals, each experience is a guided exploration that offers participants a glimpse into their world, promoting understanding and inclusivity.
  •       Impactful Awareness: These thoughtfully curated activities aim to leave a lasting impact, creating a ripple effect of awareness and understanding about the daily challenges faced by individuals with visual impairments.
  •        Beyond Sight: Brace yourself for a transformative journey that goes beyond sight, inviting participants to embrace a world where senses other than vision take the lead in shaping perception and connection.

In the Profound Darkness, Sarthak's Vision In The Dark Shines Bright:

In the profound darkness, Sarthak's Vision In The Dark proves that with the right resources and unwavering support, every individual, regardless of their visual abilities, can carve a path towards a brighter future.

With gratitude,

The SGRC Team 

Empowering Lives: Sarthak Early Intervention Center and the New Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation at Global Resource Center, Gurugram


Dear SGRC Community,

As we traverse the heartening narratives of Aarav, Armaan Khan, and Aryansh from our Delhi-based Early Intervention (EI) center, we're thrilled to unveil an exciting development – the upcoming Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation. Beyond the touching stories, envision a future where these narratives are not isolated cases, but rather indicative of the transformative impact our new center aims to bring.

Aarav's Journey to Sound and Speech: Triumph Over Hearing Impairment

Aarav's early silence led us on a journey where conventional hearing aids fell short, but the installation of a cochlear implant at the age of 5 marked a turning point. Now, picture this: our Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation becoming a haven where cutting-edge technology seamlessly integrates with personalized speech therapy, offering an even broader range of options for children like Aarav to discover their unique voices.

Armaan Khan: A Journey of Triumph Against the Odds

Armaan Khan, born with Down syndrome, embarked on a journey filled with challenges. The ray of hope came with Sarthak's intervention, transforming his life in a matter of months. Consider our new Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation as an innovation hub, where technology, education, and therapy converge to create tailored solutions for children like Armaan, propelling them toward triumph against any odds they may face.

Aryansh: A Journey from Silence to Hope

Aryansh's exploration of the world began with a bewildering diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). His mother, once overwhelmed, became a proactive participant in his therapy. Imagine a future where our Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation becomes a resource hub, offering online sessions and support to families like Aryansh's, turning their homes into active centers for growth and development.

Significance, Need, and Possible Impact of SGRC's Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation:


The Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation is not just a facility; it's a dynamic space where interdisciplinary collaboration flourishes. Think of it as a melting pot of expertise, where occupational therapists, special educators, and speech therapists join forces to curate personalized strategies that recognize and harness the unique potential within each child.


The need for a centralized hub for rehabilitation services is paramount. Imagine families, regardless of their socio-economic background, having access to world-class interventions. Our Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation addresses this need, breaking down barriers and offering comprehensive services under one roof.

Possible Impact:

Envision a ripple effect – families empowered, communities thriving, and individuals with diverse abilities confidently navigating their paths. The Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation is not just about individual success stories; it's about fostering a societal shift where inclusion is the norm, and every child, armed with tailored interventions, can reach their full potential.

Dear readers, join us in this exhilarating chapter as we lay the foundation for SGRC's Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation. Your engagement and support have been pivotal in our journey thus far, and together, we're poised to create a future where every child's narrative is one of empowerment and boundless possibilities.

With gratitude,

The SGRC Team

Inclusive Education: Breaking Barriers for All Learners!


Hey there, curious minds!

Ever wondered how education can be a game-changer for everyone, regardless of who they are? 🌟 That's the magic of Inclusive Education at Sarthak! In our world, every learner is a star, and we're here to spill the secrets on how we break barriers for persons with disabilities. Let's dive in!


🌈 Why Inclusive Education Rocks:

For Everyone: It's not just about books; it's about unlocking potential for ALL learners!

Empathy Rules: We're all about creating a vibe that's all about understanding, respect, and good vibes.


Sarthak's Inclusive Education Vibes:

Be YOU-nique:

·       We celebrate the awesomeness in every student, no cookie-cutter stuff here!

·       Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all education – we're all about personalized learning.

Education for ALL:

·       Quality education is for everyone, no matter the abilities.

·       We're adapting, using tech, and making sure nobody misses out.

Team Spirit:

·       Teamwork makes the dream work – educators, parents, and children unite!

·       Every child gets their own superhero plan – we call it Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

Accessible Vibes:

·       Think ramps, friendly spaces, and materials that everyone can vibe with.

·       No exclusions – we're all about inclusion!

Spread Good Vibes:

·       Respect, understanding, and acceptance are our daily mantras.

·       Time to break stereotypes and bias – we're all in this together.

🚀 Early Intervention Fun:


Engaging sessions, cool community visits, and a dash of parent counseling – early intervention, our style!


🌐 Connect with Us:

Capsarathi for info

Rozgar Sarathi for jobs

Gyan Sarathi for e-learning adventures


Inclusive Education is our superpower, smashing barriers and creating a world where EVERYONE thrives. 🌍✨ Join us on this epic journey! For 15 years, Sarthak Educational Trust has been rocking the world of people with disabilities. Cheers to breaking barriers together! 🎉🌟


Keep shining,

Sarthak Fam 🚀💙

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